Today’s Tata Motors Limited, was TELCO meaning Tata Engineering and Locomotive Company, which headquartered was in Mumbai, India. The TELCO is a part of Tata Group, Mainly Tata products include passenger cars, trucks, vans, coaches, buses, sports cars, construction equipment and military vehicles. Tata Motors has auto There was a manufacturing and assembly plants in Jamshedpur, India which owned by Tata Motors. At the same time Tata motors manufacturing plant also in Argentina, South Africa, Great Britain, and Thailand.

Tata Company manufactured its first commercial vehicle in 1954 in a collaboration with Daimler-Benz AG, which ended in 1969. After that, Tata Motors entered the passenger vehicle market in 1988, especially targeted to Indian market. They launched TataMobile followed by the Tata Sierra in 1991, Tata Motors was the first Indian manufacturer to achieve this capability.

In Bangladesh automobile industry Tata is a renowned trusted brand, Especially in Bus & Truck segment Tata did extremely well here in local market. Here in Bangladesh there was a time bedford truck & bus was very popular in Bangladesh, which manufactured by England. But gradually this high priced, high quality bus reducing day by day in Bangladesh market, and going to popular Tata bus and truck. Currently Tata is the most popular bus brand in Bangladesh, because of Tata bus price and longevity.

Now a day’s brand new car meaning is Tata car in Bangladesh market. Tata brand new Bus is comparatively cheap in Bangladesh market, but quality is acceptable. As a result Tata products especially Tata bus and truck respected in Bangladesh market. Let’s see the Tata current price in Bangladesh.


Tata Bus Price List for Bangladesh;

TATA LP 407 Cowl Power SteeringBDT.13,90,000/-
TATA LP 909 Bus(37 Seater)BDT.18,95,000/-
TATA LP 709 Mini BusBDT.16,35,000/-
TATA LPO 1618 TC Power SteeringBDT.23,50,000/-
TATA LPO 1618 Air SuspensionBDT.22,95,000/-
TATA LPO 1316  (51 Seater)-
TATA LPO 1512  (40-47 Seater)BDT.20,90,000/-
TATA LPO 1512  (52 Seater)BDT.20,90,000/-
TATA LPO 1515  (55 Seater)-
Do Not Forget
to wear seat belts while driving
drive vehicle with full concentration
Respect Law
respect local law while driving
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